

疫情初期,曾经参加过亚洲基金会“中国流动女性创业助力计划”项目的重庆女性创业者学员们用自己微小的举动温暖着社区和需要帮助的人们。以下是关于她们的故事。 我们是普通人。 我们团结、和衷共济,凝聚起抗击疫情的磅礴力量。   闫永霞——“重庆女性创业助力计划”项目沙坪坝区培训学员/重庆永霞工艺品公司总经理/非遗乱针刺绣传承人  ...

招聘 | 实习生

招聘 | 实习生


招聘丨助理财务经理(Finance and Grants Associate)

招聘丨助理财务经理(Finance and Grants Associate)

In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, Asia plays a crucial global role. Would you be excited at the prospect of employing your knowledge and skills to improve lives, expand opportunities, and help societies flourish across this dynamic region? You could...



The Asia Foundation Beijing Representative Office is seeking a Chinese national to fill a Project Finance Associate position. The Project Finance Associate (PFA) reports to the Chief of Party (COP) under one of our projects which is expected to run till August 2023. The PFA will work closely with the COP and other project staff. He/She will support and maintain contact with the Foundation’s headquarters, China office staff, TAF Mekong country office staff, donors, sub-recipients, consultants, etc. on issues related to finance and grants.



The Asia Foundation seeks an experienced Chief of Party (COP) for an anticipated project titled “Mitigating Environmental Impacts of Infrastructure Development in the Mekong Region” funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Please click “阅读全文” for more information on the position.



The Asia Foundation Beijing Representative Office is seeking a Chinese national to fill a Program Officer position. The Program Officer (PO) reports to the Country Representative (CR) in China. The PO will be responsible for the management of the Foundation’s program activities related to China’s global engagement, responsible investment in Asia and other topics as identified and agreed upon.



今年三月,尼泊尔政府在首都加德满都举办了“2019尼泊尔投资峰会”,尼泊尔的经济发展再次得到世界的关注。此次峰会展示了一系列基础设施建设项目和超过240亿美元的投资机会,吸引了超过40个国家的行业领袖、高级政府官员和外国代表参会。此次峰会表明,尼泊尔刚刚当选的联邦政府开始采取行动,重新定义政府和私营部门的关系,并开始努力将尼泊尔塑造为具有吸引力的投资目的地。 2015年尼泊尔通过了新宪法,宪法将保证尼泊尔的政治稳定列为重中之重。三年后的2018年,当选的新政府推出了“繁荣的尼泊尔,快乐的尼泊尓人(Prosperous Nepal,...




招聘丨助理财务经理 Recruiting Finance and Grants Associate(截止日期延长至2018年8月31日)

招聘丨助理财务经理 Recruiting Finance and Grants Associate(截止日期延长至2018年8月31日)

The Asia Foundation Beijing Representative Office is seeking a Chinese national to fill a Finance and Grants Associate position. The Finance and Grants Associate (FGA) reports to the Finance and Grants Manager (FGM) in China and work with FGM to support and maintain contact with the Foundation’s headquarter office, China office staff, donors, sub-recipients, consultants, etc